
University of Trento SIS - Summer School NAMEPES (North Africa and Middle East Politics and EU Security)

The Summer School intends to cover current developments of political and current affairs in the Middle East, but also to provide theoretical and methodological frameworks for those who want to enter the field of Middle Eastern studies (both in anticipation of an academic career and for a policy career). The macro-themes covered in this edition are the following:

– Theoretical approach: how to integrate IR and Middle East studies-other disciplines and integration with IR when looking at the Middle East.
– Peace and conflict in the MENA region-including Israel Palestine, regional role of Iran, with an additional focus on Yemen and its role over the Red Sea and the commercial routes.
– The EU in the MENA: objectives, tools and challenges-external action/ migration/ normative power vs economic power.

May 19, 2024: Applications’ Deadline
May 21, 2024: Confirmation of Selected Applications

Contact person: Summer’s School Director – Prof. Pejman Abdolmohammadi –
Contact details: